906.3 billion £
2023-05-29 09:55:00

high-performance-blockchainHigh Performance Blockchain

- Symbol : HPB
- Rank : 1664

Price USD : 0.00562 £
Price BTC : 26 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 293,001
- Market cap : 410,873

- Project details : HPB is a new blockchain architecture, positioned as an easy-to-use, high performance blockchain platform. It aims to extend the performance of distributed applications to meet real world business needs. This is achieved by creating an architecture similar to an API operating system. The software architecture provides accounts, identity and authorization management, policy management, databases, and asynchronous communication on thousands of CPUs, FPGAs or clustered program schedulers. This blockchain is a new architecture that can support millions of transactions per second and support authorizations within seconds.

- Available from : 2017-08-23

TimePercentPrevious values (in GBP)
Last hour-0.218%0.00564 £
Last day+4.76000%0.00536 £
Last week-3.52125%0.00582 £

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