1.8 trillion $A
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : KIN
- Rank : 682

Price USD : 1.11E-5 $A
Price BTC : 0 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 273,170
- Market cap : 24.6 million Australian dollars

- Project details : Kin is a hybrid digital currency developed by Kik that interoperates simultaneously between both the Ethereum and the Stellar blockchains; swapping seamlessly between the Stellar network for in-app use to provide better scalability and speed, and the ERC20 equivalent in order to provide better liquidity and compatibility with other decentralized applications and services. There are around 756B tokens in circulation, and the maximum supply there will ever be is 10 Trillion Kin, after which no more will be created. The reason for the large number of tokens is that Kin is intended, and once fully adopted, to be transacted between users in manageable denominations, instead of being done in 8 decimal fractions. New KIN are minted via the Kin Rewards Engine, or "KRE", through which developers are incentivized to integrate Kin into their app via rewards of newly minted KIN in proportion to their contributions to the network. Kin provides a new way for applications and communities to monetize by rewarding them for participating in this decentralized incentive platform, or "DIP". Kin was created with the purpose in mind of being integrated into a large ecosystem of applications, the first of which will be Kik, an application which has hundreds of millions of users. However, any developer can integrate KIN balances into their applications easily by drag and dropping a "5-minute SDK" into their code. Consumer-facing, Kin is being designed as user friendly as possible. In addition to interacting with Kin via exchanges or the existing app ecosystem such as Kik, users can also earn Kin in hub applications like "Kinit" for iOS and Android, by doing things like surveys and polls and spending them on top brands. Kinit is meant to serve as merely one example of a Kin- centric application and an entry point for beginners into the Kin ecosystem.

- Available from : 2017-09-12

TimePercentPrevious values (in AUD)
Last hour+0.6048%1.11E-5 $A
Last day+4.26842%1.07E-5 $A
Last week+14.13879%9.5574947988154E-6 $A

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