96.8 trillion ₹
2023-05-29 09:55:00

rlciExec RLC

- Symbol : RLC
- Rank : 195

Price USD : 131 ₹
Price BTC : 5611 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 6.5 million
- Market cap : 9.5 billion Indian roupies

- Project details : The project on the research work of Gilles Fedak, Haiwu He and Oleg Lodygensky, all three researchers at INRIA, CNRS and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Opening this page as a matter for more scientists makes a lot of sense. With the platform, iEx.ec aims to provide blockchain based distributed applications a scalable, secure and easy access to the computing resources required for their execution. It uses the blockchain to organize a market network where everyone can monetize their servers, applications, and data-sets. This technology extends the Ethereum smart contracts allowing the creation of virtual Cloud infrastructure that provides High-Performance Computing (HPC) services on-demand.

- Available from : 2017-04-01

TimePercentPrevious values (in INR)
Last hour-0.363%132 ₹
Last day-0.5424%132 ₹
Last week-1.43583%133 ₹