1.6 trillion S$
2023-05-29 09:55:00

bitcoin-privateBitcoin Private

- Symbol : BTCP
- Rank : 1406

Price USD : 0.324 S$
Price BTC : 858 Sat.

- Market cap : 1.5 million Singapore dollars

- Project details : Bitcoin Private (BTCP) is a Bitcoin hard fork with the snapshot happening on February 28th, the fork will consist of a mix between BTC and ZCL. BTCP will use ZClassic (zk-snarks). This means payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient and other transactional metadata remain unidentifiable.

- Available from : 2018-01-01

TimePercentPrevious values (in SGD)
Last hour-0.467%0.325 S$
Last day+2.52406%0.316 S$
Last week+4.915300%0.308 S$

Last 1661 days chart

See the Bitcoin Private last hours chart