96.7 trillion ₹
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : QSH
- Rank : 680

Price USD : 3.91 ₹
Price BTC : 167 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 14,300
- Market cap : 1.4 billion Indian roupies

- Project details : Quoine Liquid is a trading platform that aims to combine every liquidity source into a single highly liquid tradable order book. The Quoine Liquid team will empower their services with the blockchain technology and consequently allow the migration of financial institutions to a decentralized platform. The platform is built on top of QUOINE's existing technologies like, a Matching Engine, a Smart Order routing, and a currency conversion engine. QASH is an ERC-20 token that will allow users to benefit from the platform services and also work as a trading asset.

- Available from : 2017-11-22

TimePercentPrevious values (in INR)
Last hour-1.681%3.98 ₹
Last day+0.50235%3.89 ₹
Last week+12.43471%3.42 ₹