96.9 trillion ₹
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : DENT
- Rank : 284

Price USD : 0.0737 ₹
Price BTC : 3 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 2.3 million
- Market cap : 7.3 billion Indian roupies

- Project details : Our vision is to create a global marketplace using blockchain, where everyone on this planet has the opportunity to buy and sell mobile data packages and liberate mobile data.The telco industry is a complicated, fragmented mess and so 1990's. There are a handful of telcos in each country, isolated silos that don't interoperate properly with each other on the mobile market. Telco users are stuck in a trap, where their purchased data packages expire every month, even if they paid for it. We are striving to liberate it while creating new opportunities for telcos too.

- Available from : 2017-09-26

TimePercentPrevious values (in INR)
Last hour-0.490%0.0741 ₹
Last day+1.59915%0.0725 ₹
Last week+5.193156%0.0699 ₹

Last 1668 days chart

See the Dent last hours chart