1.9 trillion NZ$
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : SYS
- Rank : 266

Price USD : 0.201 NZ$
Price BTC : 443 Sat.

- Volume in last 24h : 1.1 million
- Max supply : 888 million
- Market cap : 151.1 million New-zeland dollars

- Project details : Syscoin is a permissionless blockchain-based cryptocurrency with a set of smart contracts which have been thoroughly tested and built on the Bitcoin scripting system using OP1 to OP16 standard script op-codes, representing coloured coin transactions, controlled by a hardened layer of distributed consensus logic for each smart contract (Syscoin service) while still retaining backwards compatibility with the Bitcoin protocol. These contracts can be combined to form building blocks for blockchain-based e-commerce solutions. Syscoin’s hardened smart contracts are in contrast to turing-complete smart contracts, which, by definition, are not hardened due to the open-ended nature of the underlying scripting language. Commercial integrators who are looking for a secure solution to leverage the increased efficiency that blockchain technology allows compared with traditional e-commerce applications are better off trying to use a hardened service which cannot change and is well-tested with regression testing, white box, and black box testing, specifically targeting rules of the application. Integrators are also inclined to choose the most powerful network available (currently Bitcoin). Syscoin combines both of these features, making it a compelling choice of network for end users.

- Available from : 2014-07-14

TimePercentPrevious values (in NZD)
Last hour+0.1044%0.201 NZ$
Last day+0.48126%0.2 NZ$
Last week+4.559595%0.192 NZ$