180.7 trillion ¥
2023-05-29 09:55:00


- Symbol : EMC
- Rank : 1286

Price USD : 5.07 ¥
Price BTC : 116 Sat.

- Market cap : 258.1 million yens

- Project details : Emercoin (Symbol: EMC) is a cryptocurrency that is in some ways similar to Namecoin and Peercoin. It was launched in December 2013 and announced three days before launch in order to notify miners in advance. Emercoin employs both proof-of-work (POW) mining and proof-of-stake (POS) minting and uses SHA-256 hashes. Emercoin is blockchain platform for wide range of distributed trusted services. Distinctive features - high reliability, robustness and 3-in-one hybrid mining (PoW+MergedMining+PoS). Currently, Emercoin platform already runs network security services EmerSSL/EmerSSH, decentralized domain system EmerDNS, counterfeit solution EmerDPO, VOIP solution ENUMER and bundle of other services.

- Available from : 2013-12-08

TimePercentPrevious values (in JPY)
Last hour-0.212%5.08 ¥
Last day+0.62675%5.04 ¥
Last week+1.876593%4.97 ¥